


One most important characteristic trait, all successful people definitely have, is optimism. An optimistic person can effectively handle any situations in life, and all successful people are optimistic in their approaches.

First, what is optimism?

Optimism is a mental attitude, believing or hoping that the outcome of some specific endeavor, will be positive, favorable and desirable.
This word 'Optimism' is derived from the Latin word 'Optimum' means best. And certainly, an optimistic person turns to be the best some day.
Optimism is an attitude of having confidence in oneself.
Tenacious people with a never give up attitude usually tend to be very optimistic.

Now, what happens if one is not optimistic?

I have participated in several Oratorical competitions. I have learned an important lesson from my experiences. I usually prepare very well before I deliver any content. Every time I step onto the stage with a positive belief that I'm gonna rock that day, it turns to be so. But I have also experienced the consequences of not having this positive thought. At times, a few minutes before I get on to the stage, I start thinking what if I forget my content?, and I will imagine the consequences I must face if I forgot. This will exacerbate the situation, and I tend to be more nervous. But the reality is I'm very well prepared and there is no chances for me to forget and be abashed. But just because of that one small negative thought before entering the stage will ruin my confidence and my efforts become futile. I can't shine as I ought to be. This is the cost of not being optimistic. From my experiences, the takeaway is that the way in which we think has a profound impact on our performance. This is applicable not only here but even in our day to day life. If we keep worrying about the future, we will actually lose our strength and energy to fight our battle boldly.

Benefits of being optimistic.

For an optimistic person, there are no failures. They consider every so-called failure, as a rich source of learning. They learn from it and moves on to something greater. Since an optimistic person is never trapped by the fear of failure, they open up to new ideas, new experiences and new possibilities.

So what can we do to be optimistic?

It is simple. Stop worrying about tomorrow.
Instead of worrying about tomorrow, just be thankful for today. Always look at the bright side of life. This will keep us happy at the moment and will instill positive vibes in our minds. This in turn will motivate us to work better today. If we work today, tomorrow will naturally turn to be good and pleasant.

How can one change himself to be optimistic?

Preparation is the key. If we are prepared to face our future, we naturally tend to be more optimistic. So we must keep developing our skills. This will automatically give us the self-confidence that we can do better and we tend to be more optimistic in our approaches. For example, I wished to be a Content writer. In my earlier days, I was doubtful if I was worth to get a job in this world full of high competition. But as I kept working on my skills to be a content writer I became more optimistic and I slowly started believing, that I was fit for this job.

So whatever may be the situations around us, let's show an optimistic attitude towards life, which in turn will keep us happy at the moment. With is positive energy if we keep working harder, tomorrow will definitely be better than what we dream.
Thank you.


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