This magical term has become inevitable in web development. Javascript is a high level interpreted scripting language for designing dynamic web pages. Initially, Brendan Eich in 1995 designed Javascript for client side scripting, to enhance the websites functionality on the client side. It was used only in browsers for creating interactive web pages. A revolution was created in 2009, when Ryan Dahl took the javascript engine used in browser and embedded it in a C++ program calling it a node.This made javascript to be run outside browsers in the node. From then, JavaScript diversified a lot.
Various fields were JavaScript is extensively used and their respective frameworks are discussed below.....
Node.js is a complete framework which is used for server side web development for dynamic web applications.
React js is a front end library developed by Facebook initially. Now using React js we can design web as well as mobile applications.
React native is completely for developing mobile applications for iOS and android.
Angular js is another MVC oriented where MVC is model view and controller.It was initially developed by Google and then made open source
Electron js a cross platform framework for standalone desktop applications using web technologies.
React VR is a js framework using which we can create web based virtual reality applications.
TensorFlow.js is a machine learning platform developed by Google. It is used for developing machine learning models. It works by running existing models and then retraining exsiting models.
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